This past week has been a bit more eventful than the past weeks. On Saturday (also Nick's Birthday), our wonderful friends organized a benefit for us which turned out to be a ridiculous success. The "benefit team" received an overwhelming amount of donations/baskets and I was bowled over by all the people that came to show their support! Nick and I were both speechless- people are unbelievably generous, even in these tough economic times, we just couldn't believe it!! Everyone raved about how great the event was and how well planned it was - I'm thinking our friends should be professional benefit planners!!
On Monday morning I had my NST as usual, however I was startled when the resident crashed into the room with the portable ultrasound about 2 hours after. He said he notice some repeated drops in one heart rate and wanted to just check things out. He said everything looked ok, but just wanted to be on the safe side and sent me to Labor and Delivery immediately. There they could monitor me for 4-6 hours straight and look for more decels. Nick rushed from work and , from what I've heard, started everyone mom even heard (at her school in ATTICA) that I was in labor! Ahh the telephone game is always interesting. My Dr came to L&D right when I got there and told me he thought the resident was being extra cautious, and if he (my dr) looked at the tracing, he would NOT have sent me to L&D. This annoyed me. I didn't mind the continuous monitoring, but I did mind that I had to have an IV put in because I couldn't eat (in case I had to have surgery)- all seemed a little excessive, since I wouldn't have even been there if my dr would have seen the strip first!! So after 5 hours of continuous monitoring, no food or drink and a lovely IV in my hand (which had to stay there fro 24 hours), they sent me back to my room b/c they found nothing concerning. So initially it was a bit scary, then a bit annoying, but I guess this is why I have lived in the hospital for the past 45 days.
Today the sonogram was initially concerning, however ended up ok. Baby A measured 4lbs 6oz, and Baby B measured 3lbs 10oz (both measured 3lbs 4oz two weeks ago). The peri was very concerned with baby b and her lack of growth, compared to the amount of growth that baby a experienced. So, the peri remeasured at found baby b to be closer to 4lbs 0oz. Phew. She says they are both acting fine and do not appear to be in distress - both practice breathing, moving she doesn't "think" we need to be worried. That's the crazy thing about this pregnancy...nobody knows anything for sure...not by any fault of the drs, just the nature of the problem. ugh.
Nick and I were having several discussions and concerns about when to deliver. Our OB wanted to do it right at 32 weeks while everything looked good. He says, why push it? Which made sense, however one of the perinatologists suggested, if everything looks good, why not wait til 34 weeks and gain the benefit of being bigger for delivery. So, we continued to think long and hard about it...however after the scare on Monday, and noticing more frequent decels during the strips, we both believe our question was answered for us. Get 'em out so we can stop worrying about what's happening from hour to hour. So we were initially scheduled for 4/27 at 3:30, however I didn't really want to wait ALL I asked if there was another day with an earlier time. Was scheduled for 4/28@ 10:30, however today, our OB came in and said there was an opening on tues 4/27 at 8:00am...So, that's the day! Less than one week! GULP....