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Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010

So not too much has happened this week...I asked my dr to nix the 12am vitals and he said that would be ok. So the next night I was awoken at 12am anyway-he had forgotten to write the order (at least he admitted that he simply forgot and didn't blame it on something else!). So, he went right down and changed it (yesterday). So last night I again was woken up at 12am...and I have to say I was kind of mean to the poor nurse. In my defense I had a migraine and had JUST fallen asleep...still, I didn't mean to be mean. Sorry nurse :(. Then they didn't come in at 4am to do the scan...I finally called down to the nurses around 6:15 and they explained that the dr changed the orders to have the scan at 6am (which doesn't really make sense since the nurses shift is over at 7). So we'll have to talk about that AGAIN....ugh. Maybe this will be sorted out by the time I check outta here.

Overall, girls continue to look good. Good heart rates and some good accels. Sonogram I had on wed showed that "baby A" was "breathing" and the tech said that you don't normally see that this early! Good news...

Also wanted to share a funny story about my nephew. The hospital won't let anyone in under the age of 14 because it's flu season. This makes him very upset (he's 3). I was talking to him on the phone (he was on his way to the hospital after church with my sister-in-law to drop off flowers) and he tells me my drs are mean because they won't let him in the hospital. I said, well, they just don't want anyone to get sick, so they say you have to be old are you? He says "3. No, I'm 14". hehe. So, he and my sister-in-law meet Nick in the lobby of the hospital to drop off the flowers. While they are talking, my nephew decides to go up to the lady sitting at the information desk and he tells her "I'm 14" and tries to convince her to let him in the hospital! Haha...oh dear, is this a precursor to the fake ID? Watch out Kyle & Jen :)


  1. Jenna,

    I am glad that you decided to create this blog. I hope that you find it helpful to document your journey as you await the birth of your precious girls. It also allows so many of us to follow along and get the updates along the way. By reading your posts, we will all find out specific prayer requests and ways that we can be of help to you and Nick. I also hope that others step outside of their box and will leave you prayers, words of encouragement, support, and love for you and Nick to read at your leisure. Just think how many people will be updated all at once! :)

    I have been on bed rest with the last two of my pregnancies, not in the hospital, but at home. I can relate to some of the feelings that you may be feeling. I know each circumstance is different and unique but those that have been on a similar journey can offer you some support and understanding along the way.

    Wishing you happiness and sunshine today!

  2. Okay, Holden is too funny! Where does he come up with that stuff?? I think I would have just let him in considering he was trying to "fast" talk the lady at the age of three!!
    Thinking about you today...
    Hope your migraine is gone and you feel well rested!
    Miss you!
